Empower Yourself with Hao & Hao Studio : Let me hear your story, and guide you to your next chapter in life.
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My Story
Certified ThetaHealers®
Ever since I can remember, I find myself always listening to people's untold stories. Not that they didn't want to tell anyone about it, but it was more like they felt words fell on deaf ears and they didn't feel seen, but somehow I see them, and can hear their true thoughts inside. At first I didn't see this as anything special, I just thought this was normal, what friends do for one another, or what a good listener would do even for strangers. It wasn't until 2021 did I feel a desperate need for myself to be heard and seen fully. That year I learnt about Theta Healing, and for the first time I experienced how it feels to be able to tell my stories, to be heard to be seen and to be understood completely. It was truly an incredible feeling.
Since that experience I became a Theta Healing Practitioner myself, and I’ve helped folks just like you and I gain new perspectives on the life's lessons or "problems" - some view them as obstacles, stumbling blocks, or simply restrictive thoughts and feelings that were hindering their potentials, making them unwell. Whatever seems to be bothering them deep down, is what we addressed. Life's too precious to be unhappy, unsure, unfulfilled, or worst yet unseen unheard and unfelt.
With the Theta Healing Technique developed by Vianna Stibal, "a world-renowned meditation technique and spiritual philosophy (1)", I am able to get to the root of the problem, and help people identify some of the deeply buried restrictive beliefs in their subconscious, therefore allowing the problematic beliefs to be reviewed and removed / reframed. With the ill-suited thoughts lifted and productive ideas learnt, I've bear witness to the value of these sessions and people's transformation.
Let me help guide you to see and develop better frame of mind to overcome the issues that are standing in the way of your goals. Together we can learn the life's lessons and master them with ease. I trust that you will feel what I felt the first time when I experienced a Theta Healing session, and for now that's just call those feelings "Ah-ha" with exclamation marks.
Thank you for your trust in me, and allowing me to help bring the joy back into your life. Please feel free to contact me for more details.
1 on 1 ThetaHealing® Session
This is a deeply explorative therapy session in the very relaxed theta brainwave ; we will
discover what lies beneath in the subconscious / unconscious mind
find the whys, the mental blocks
see the world with new perspectives
work with higher vibrational energies
feel and experience the changes in life
Duration - 1 ~1.5 hr
Session Fee - £180
Extended time is charged based on
£60 / 30 min basis
希塔療癒 £180 / 1 ~1.5 小時
時間延長以 £60 / 30分鐘 為單位計價。
Pet Communication
Sometimes our pets have something to say , and sometimes they could be quite cheeky , and opinionated. However more often than not, they just want you to know what you mean to them, and how much they do have unconditional love and care for you... or which type of food they prefer (in the case of some cats)
Session Fee - £60
寵物溝通 £60 / 單次
Feng Shui Homes
I am by trade an Interior Arch. Designer who also gives intuitive reading of your spaces. In a ironically (ha!) more scientific term, I help assess whether the spaces could use a little bit of feng shui tips to create better flow, work with its orientation and unique characteristics, and how to rearrange it all to bring in the transformative changes that can have a profound impact on your physical and mental health.
Per visitation - £200
空間規劃 / 風水 £200
Buddha said “One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world.” I'd like to add to that and say, one thought can change the moment, and you have the power within you, backed by the whole universe, to determine which belief you will begin your moments with.

What goes around, comes around
Sharing is caring, giving is sharing
With every Theta Healing session booked, you are in fact helping not only yourself, but the world to become a better place. 10% of the fees will go to different None Profit Organizations, of your choice.
Together we make everything better, thus the reason for "Hao ~ Hao" Studio, it means "good is good, good and well, all is well" ( my grandpa's mantra, and that is what I strive to be )