Hello ~ nice to meet you
So a bit more about myself -- I've always been someone who seem to connect
people; some have called me a "catalyst", "a link", and referred to me as their "lucky star", but I
simply think of myself as a connector, a "push hand" 推手 if you will. A person
who by all means is simply here to help maybe lead you to your new Self,
your next opportunity, new phase in life, or someone who happens to be here to
deliver a message while bringing you to meet the right person you are meant to meet. So on so forth. It doesn't matter if I am playing the role of a Therapist, or I am working as an Interior Architectural Designer, I often find myself to be in a position to witness a profound change in the lives of those I meet. In that sense, I think more aptly of myself as an assistant -- I assist in creating life's many transitions.
These transitions often times take the physical form of a space being changed to reflect a new inner mindset, or vice versa I help people gain clarity on their inner worlds in order to translate that into their physical world. It doesn't matter which approach and direction we begin with, at the end the transformation is a holistic one.
I hope by being a Theta Healing Therapist I can witness more profound changes in peoples' lives. It is always an humbling experience to see how much people can do for themselves, when they put their mind to it. So I hope as you are ready to go on the journey of self - love and growth, I can have the honor to guide and witness that alongside you.
XX - Susan